Business Services

What Is The Purpose For Using Safety Compliance Software

Cloud-Based FSQA Solution | SafetyChain Software

The main purpose of using safety compliance software is by knowing what you need your health and safety training system to achieve. What weaknesses of your current system do you want to improve? How has your organisation changed since you developed your current system? What are the legal or compliance issues you need to address? What level of control do you want over your course content? What are your specific organisational challenges?

The best way to approach your new health and safety training system is by assuming that the ideal solution is out there – no matter what your challenges or expectations may be. For example, if you have 130 sites and want to be able to control your health and safety training from a single location – assume that it can be done. If you want a system that provides automatic reminders when re-induction is due – expect it. This way, you are creating, at least on paper, the perfect solution. This will guide your way to finding it. If aspects of your perfect solution don’t actually exist, you can look for alternatives then. However, chances are that today’s technology will provide you with what you’re looking for – and more!

How to look for the best software?

When you’re researching safety management software, there are certain things you should look for in addition to the ability to meet your specific criteria. Remember, you’re not just buying health and safety training software, you’re beginning a genuine business partnership with a service provider. Here’s what you should not compromise on:

Experience and knowledge: make sure that the company you’re dealing with actually understands the issues that HSE Managers deal with on a day-to-day basis. You don’t want to partner with a company that is little more than a software developer. Make sure they know their stuff. Ask the tough questions.

In-house support: even though a hosted training system will eliminate your IT issues, systems can become fairly complicated and you may require help from time to time. Make sure it’s there. Make sure it’s not off-shore. Make sure it’s good.

A proven product: How long has it been on the market? Who’s using it? How many companies are using it? The long and short of it you don’t want to be the test company. If the safety compliance software meets your needs and the company meets the criteria above, you’ve probably found what you’re looking for. Good luck and happy hunting!

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