
Business Management Workplace Safety Management by Employees

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration or OSHA is the federal government entity that oversees worker safety. According to the organization’s website, in 2016 over 4300 workers died on their jobs. The families of these workers had their lives changed forever. Even when no death occurs, an injury in the workplace is costly. The need of Health & Safety Consultants are also felt in some cases, so it is the ultimate responsibility of business management to take care of employees. In some cases workers may not be allowed back in the work environment until an investigation is complete.

Workplace Safety is Everyone’s Responsibility

Whether one works in upper management or on a production line in a factory, a safe environment is important to the bottom line of every business. The following are some key areas that management should stress to encourage employees at every level to be actively involved in promoting safety on the job. Be aware of company safety policies and rules for operating equipment that could cause injury Report unsafe practices. Participate in safety meetings and training.

Employees Should Be Aware of Workplace Safety Policies

Workers should be aware of policies that relate to on-the-job health and safety. In every work place there are precautions that should be taken to enhance safety. For example, in an office setting, overloading electrical outlets while supplying power to computers and equipment could lead to fires that could endanger lives and destroy property. In other situations, workers should know and use proper procedures for operating equipment that could pose hazards that might lead to being crushed or caught in a rotating part.

Training and Work Safety Posters are Preventative Measures

Attending safety meetings and trainings is important for all employees. These meetings should be mandatory for every employee since important changes and safety policy updates are usually covered. Safety posters reinforce safety information and when they are placed in strategic locations they remind workers to engage in safe practices. Being aware of safety policies and rules; reporting unsafe work behaviors and participating in training can prevent injuries, save lives, improve morale and save money.

OSHA Encourages Reporting Unsafe Practices

In accordance with federal directives, it is important to report unsafe practices to the company health and safety officer or other person responsible for workplace safety. Employees who fail to follow directions put others at risk for workplace injuries. If a nurse gives an injection and fails to dispose of needles properly, another employee could suffer a needle stick that would expose them to hazardous body fluids. In another setting, reckless driving of transport vehicles could endanger lives. Any employee observing such behavior has a responsibility to report it to the designated person in charge of safety. Work safety posters should contain information about whom to contact when unsafe behaviors are observed.

Being aware of safety policies and rules; reporting unsafe work behaviors and participating in training can prevent injuries, save lives, improve morale and save money.

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